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Leigh Ann Anderson, MS, CA, PWS

Leigh Ann Elgin Anderson, the owner of Elgin Environmental, LLC has been in the environmental consulting field for 15 years.  She has a Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of South Florida.  She is a Certified Arborist and a Certified Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS).  Ms. Anderson is also a Gopher Tortoise Agent certified by the FWC to survey, permit, bucket trap, and excavate/relocate gopher tortoises. 


Ms. Anderson has a wide range of permitting experience including subdivisions, roadway improvements, commercial development, educational development, and pipeline projects (on shore and off shore).  She has delineated wetlands on projects ranging in size from one acre to 2,000 acres.  Ms. Anderson has permitting experience in Hillsborough, Pasco, Hernando, Pinellas, Manatee, Polk, and Osceola counties.  She has a good working relationship with local, SWFWMD, and ACOE regulatory staff.  Her wildlife survey and permitting experience includes the gopher tortoise, bald eagle, woodstork, red cockaded woodpecker, Florida scrub jay, Florida grasshopper sparrow, Florida burrowing owl, and desert tortoise (California).    

Leigh Ann Anderson
(813) 695-6578
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